About the cause
CAMH is one of the largest hospitals in North America for people with mental illness. We are an acknowledged world leader in brain science. Each year, we provide exceptional care for more than 34,000 patients and respond to 500,000 outpatient visits. We inspire change in the mental health field through the professionals we train, the knowledge we share, and in the modern facilities we are building: embedded in the community and open to the world.
patients treated
each year
emergency services
We are inspired by the courage of our patients, the dedication of our staff and by the example of our volunteers and donors, who have thrust mental health onto society's agenda.
Globally renowned
leader in genetics,
epigenetics and
brain imaging
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is more than a hospital.
It's a catalyst for change.
Fully affiliated with the
University of Toronto,
CAMH is Canada’s
largest training facility
for psychiatrists
With your help, CAMH will drive the progress essential to changing mental health - for everyone. There is no health without mental health.