Highlights from Past Fundraisers
Stretch the Soul is a unique and inspiring way to unite, share our energy and connect with the interrelationships of our body, mind and spirit with a day of fun, laughter and YOGA, as well as giving back to those who need it most. Over the past seven years, Stretch the Soul has raised over $100,000 to help the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in their efforts to make sure that more people with mental illness can recover faster. CAMH is one of the largest hospitals in North America for people with mental illness and an acknowledged world leader in brain science. Each year, CAMH provides exceptional care for more than 34,000 patients and responds to 500,000 outpatient visits.
Events like Stretch The Soul are so important today, as raising awareness is key in the fight to change and abolish the stigma and misunderstanding that society as a whole attaches to mental illness.
The more we talk about it, the more things will change. 20 years ago when I was a kid, and my mother was dealing with her afflictions, events like this didn't exist. Now, we are starting a new chapter in the book of healing those with these issues,and I'm so thrilled to be a part of it.
To learn more about how your support is transforming CAMH, visit:
I can't wait to see what things will look like in 20 years from now. Thank you all so much for having me here today, it's been a pleasure sharing with you all.